“What’s the difference between your Schedule and your Activities Menu?”
Asks everyone!
About Our Language Holiday Schedule
The schedule page exists because a few of our English language holidays follow a schedule determined by external events.
On those dates, people join us BECAUSE they want to practice English AND partake in a cultural events.
For example, in May, we join 2 festivals that celebrate Scottish culture in different ways.
September is art month. (There is a Perthshire-wide open studios event which we build a holiday around the language needs of creatives and makers).
October is flexible, but outdoor and autumn-themed. (The idea is to get outside and dedicate time to enjoying the landscape, to enter winter with a healthy body and mind).
In other cases, if our schedule reads:
No theme | General Language Immersion
This means that during these weeks, our holidays are a blank page, which will then be designed for you, around you.
We Buy Your Tickets
Once you book, we begin chatting about activities and events you would enjoy seeing in Scotland.
In addition, we keep an eye on music concerts, public talks and events where we know you will find top-quality culture and/or conversation opportunities (for this reason it’s a good idea to book early!).
Ruth, your English coach is an artist, a culture lover and a wildlife enthusiast.
She knows how to share the best of Scotland with you.
Attending ticketed events is included in the price of your holiday!
What WILL Be Featured?
In addition to ticketed events, you’ll be treated to a wealth of English-language activities, all of which share Scotland in intelligent, positive tourism ways,
Visit our network of artists and makers
For more information, see:
Join our friends for games, drinks or meals.
Socialising is a huge part of relaxing into English. Sometimes we even host public events to get you involved with our community.
Eco-Friendly Tourism
Visit local tourist sites / outdoor recreation activities
We work with businesses which share the Scottish landscape, history and wildlife in non-invasive ways.
Expect to visit Historic Scotland castles, go on wildlife adventures or (for anyone athletic), explore Perthshire by bicycle or canoe.
Here’s a list of the English language activities we do regularly, Activities Menu.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to get physical!
When you book, we’ll ask you what kind of things sound good to you.
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes of Your English Language Holiday
From the moment of booking, I begin planning your holiday.
Because we’ve had a Zoom chat, I have a good idea of your interests and goals.
I’ll send you a few WhatsApp messages to determine the kind of music you like – and learn if you prefer a street art tour of Glasgow to cycling through a forest. (If you like both, no problem, so do I!).
For the weeks up until your arrival, I keep an eye on social media for community events. I check my favourite venues for gigs and the galleries I love for interesting-looking exhibitions and book tickets.
I’ve got much of Scotland to pick from!
I balance the week by having top-quality cultural events, laced with hundreds of tiny details, like trying a particular cheese or smelling the bluebells after the rain.
This Trello Board supplements my static activities list (that’s things always available in the area, like castles and wildlife experiences).
It’s a loose plan.
Once you are here we tend to veer off and take advantage of things that occur through conversation (What??? You’ve never seen an X Y Z.)
I know the best time of day to visit Stirling Castle, see a beaver or where the hidden picnic benches are. I weave this into your holiday on a more moment-to-moment basis.
When I am adding to your week – or moving things around to balance the experiences want to share, it feels like adding paint to a canvas or carving into a sculpture. I have to survey it regularly to make sure it all balances.
Your English coaching occurs live around all these experiences. We may dust off a grammar book occasionally to review a certain structure, but the majority of your English training will be live.
You’ll feel confident using your English in every context because speaking grows language skills bigger, better & stronger.
Made for You | English Language Activities
It’s worth comparing our English language activities with corporate language school holidays
There, you’ll find a list of things they arrange for you (whether you are interested in them or not).
In addition, with those schools, you go by yourself, and join an excursion taking place in English. There’s no English coach by your side.
With this little independent language school, you choose how you want to experience Scottish culture – and get taking!
Further Information
Artists & makers: September is Creative Takeover at Blue Noun.
Join our Mini Artist Residency or our Design Week English Immersion.
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