Tibbermore Church in Perthshire
A Visit to Tibbermore Church, Perthshire
Today I want to introduce you to a wondrous little local building that you can visit on an English language holiday.
We like a good news story – and this is one. Find out how Outlander fans are resurrecting it.
As usual, this blog is written for ESL English learners – and especially anyone building up their English for Creative Careers – or internationals who love Scottish culture.
For a bonus, in this blog you can discover how two local artists made use of this remarkable space during Perthshire Open Studios.
Tibbermore Church in Perthshire
About Tibbermore Church Architecture
There are two stained glass windows designed by Oscar Paterson which commemorate women who served in the war.
The church’s raked stone flooring, simple wooden pews and decorative elements – as well as being perfect for shooting Outlander – are distinctive and unusual.
Tibbermore Church stained glass window (with fisheye filter)
Outlander | Fever & Fortune
In recent years, hundreds of fans have come to Perthshire since Tibbermore Church featured in one of Outlander’s most iconic scenes.
If you are a fan, it is the place where central characters Claire and Geillis are put on trial as witches ( Season 1, Episode 11).
Here’s a clip for anyone who’d like a reminder.
Thank You International Fans!
These visitors come from all four corners of the globe, particularly from the US, Germany, France and Belgium.
Outlander Fever must burn bright in these lands!
“[I think churches are] precious arks that have come down to us in the past, from the past, and which contain within them important seeds of learning for our civilisation and communities.”
Geoffrey Cox, Conservative politician, 2019
English Language School Trip | How to Arrange a Visit
Tibbermore Church remains closed and access to the church can be only be arranged with the local keyholder.
Of course, we arrange this for our English language School guests!
The future of the church remains uncertain as its community usefulness remains limited due to the church having no heating, lighting, power and running water.
Recently, it has once again become a wedding venue.
Tibbermore Church interior
Perthshire Open Studios
This year, Tibbermore Church is also a venue for Perthshire Open Studios and Perthshire Open Doors festivals, hosting ceramicist Sarah Blackie and silversmith Duncan McGregor.
Artists Show their Artworks
“At Blue Noun, we’re busy touring Perthshire Open Studios.
Not only do we get to chat to lots of artists about their work, but we also get to visit and explore new parts of Perthshire and get access to buildings not usually open to the public.
Duncan McGregor (silversmith) and Sarah Blackie (ceramicist) are exhibiting in Strathearn’s wonderful Tibbermore Church.
Both these artists are worth seeing in their own right – but this gorgeous wee church was an unexpected bonus.
For Perthshire’s Opens Studios and Open Doors Festival collaboration, as well as seeing some the usual quality art on the art tour, you can explore this lovely old church and many other historic buildings.”
Duncan McGregor exhibiting in Tibbermore Church and demonstrating some simple silversmithing techniques.
Sarah Blackie’s installation in Tibbermore Church.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed this blog offering English for art and design.
If so, do let us know in the comments!
We have a whole sample English class around repurposing churches.
It’s written for ESL English learners and ESL English teachers, again, particularly anyone learning English for art and design.