Me (Ruth) at Christmas, with a scarf knitted by one of my Ukrainian English learners.
Ways to Make Your Travel Footprint Positive
As one travel-lover to another – there’s no doubt that we need to consider the impact of our travel footprint when choosing where (and how) to go.
Here’s how this language school in Scotland is offering socially responsible holidays that have positive impacts.
Immersion English – differently.
With Blue Noun, not only do you take part in mutually beneficial cultural exchanges – you also support English learning for local Ukrainian refugees.
Here’s how we do it…
The Travelling Dilema
As a language school owner, you might be surprised to learn that I don’t have much love for conventional fly-in fly-out tourism.
I personally feel that the time to get on a plane on a whim is over.
However, I 100% support travelling for personal development, professional development and the exchange of ideas and cultures.
What that looks like is different for everyone.
It is for you, the traveller to take time to work out what skills you want to invest in learning, what version of yourself you want to become – and what you’ve got to share when you get there.
Dasha (Ukraine) and Kirsty (Scotland) – listening to Ilona (Poland)
Positive Culture Exchanges
To be clear, an exchange of cultures is NOT peering at foreign stuff and then going home.
An exchange of ideas and cultures is when you not only learn from the communities you are visiting (or meeting up with) – but you share information and knowledge – either through informal conversations or formal presentations, connections, conferences etc.
An exchange of ideas and culture happens when your presence enriches the community or place. Not just through cash (and that has its place when well spent) – but through YOU sharing YOU (your culture, your expertise, your sensitivities).
This exchange of ideas is one of the principles of our English immersion holidays.
We believe that you make our community better by coming here.
And you do.
Here’s now…
Dasha and Marie-Laure (Switzerland).
Marie-Laure was able to give Dasha advice about a career in Business Analysis.
Meet Perthshire’s Makers
Our Meet the Makers introductions take you into workshops, studios, farms and factories.
You get ‘behind the scenes’ tours of Scotland – and Perthshire’s makers get you.
That’s your knowledge, experience and viewpoints.
Even if it’s just a recipe you are sharing, the result is a rich cultural exchange full of potential.
And in terms of language pedagogy, that’s not just you speaking English, but YOU being YOU in English (so much better for long-lasting results).
Local Whisky Tasting event at Blue Noun Language Hub
It’s Not Just About YOUR English…
(Of course, that’s an important start, but we can do even better…)
For the last year, Blue Noun Language Hub has provided English language lessons to local Ukrainian refugees.
We receive no public funding.
Offering English language holidays and experiences to international tourists allowed us to be here in our community, with our doors open when we were needed.
Choosing an English language holiday at our language school enables our local Ukrainian community to access free resources, support and English lessons, including this recent workshop taught by pronunciation coach Jennie Reed.
Pronunciation Workshop
It’s Synergetic, it is Holistic – and it’s definitely not Charity.
To be clear, this is not charity. Our Ukrainian friends have gone through enough, without having to feel grateful.
Everyone has an equal place around our table.
Our Ukranian English learners provide companionship and acceptance to our English-learning guests. (Chatting with other second-language speakers takes the pressure off).
Their inclusion is a further format of practising English – (even if it’s just complaining about how tough learning English is), which is all part of creating our fully immersive environment.
One Further Positive Travel Footprint
Consider, what impact your new English skills are going to have in your own community.
- What will you be able to build, make or cure?
- Who can you help better?
- What parts of our culture are you going to take home and share?
Choose an English Conversation Holiday with People whoReally Care!
With Blue Noun Language Hub, you get the transformation into the English speaker you are seeking – through our unique combination of coaching and immersion activities, including talking professional-to-professional and peer-to-peer with local experts, makers and creatives.
In addition:
- Our community hears your expertise and learns about your culture.
- You learn aspects of Scottish culture which you take home and share.
- And our local ‘new Scots’ get the opportunity to learn English like the professionals they are.
Further Information
Blue Noun Language Hub
Why is Perthshire Scotland Perfect for English Immersion?
Learn more about our English language Immersion Holidays.
Discover our Social Action Policy.
External links
Resources for Refugees and Asylum Seekers.