
Meet Perthshire Makers

Enjoy Great Conversations for Lasting English Skills

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Meet Perthshire Makers and Artists

On this page you can find links to the directory of artists and makers you can visit with our English immersion holidays in Scotland.

Also, you can learn about Perthshire’s status as a UNESCO city of craft, and find out about how this interaction is such a good way to improve in English.

English Language School Scotland activities menu Cairn O mohr Winery Perthshire


Join us for a tour of Strathearn’s producers. Meet the people and hear the stories behind the labels.

There is a wealth of small agri-business producers elevating these ingredients and top chefs to showcase them.

English Language School Scotland activities menu Jenna McDonald Jewellery workshop


Visit studios of photographers, painters and printmakers.

Enjoy a guided tour of Perthshire’s art life with an English coach by your side.

whisky tasting at blue noun language school

Inside Perthshire’s Workplaces

Meet remarkable people while learning the crafts and skills behind Scotland’s micro-businesses, creative businesses, food and drink industries, agritourism, eco-tourism and historic preservation.

Enjoy a spectacular holiday, thanks to the asset-filled landscape of Strathearn (and the friendliness of its communities) – all the while practising your spoken English with an English coach as your guide.

See for Yourself, When You Learn English in Perthshire!

Who are YOU Going to Meet?

English activities in Perthshire sketch of english learner and sunflower

We believe that you make our community better by coming here.


We only partner with tourist providers which connect people with nature in noninvasive ways.


A holiday with us supports local Perthshire micro-enterprises, artists, makers, designers and eco-businesses

 Which enables makers’ lifestyles and traditional craft skills to be preserved.

Choose a Language School with a Positive Community Impact

what is language immersion climate cafe

Perth & Perthshire as UNESCO City of Craft

Perth (& Perthshire) is the only UK UNESCO City of Craft. This award status was granted in recognition of all the extraordinary contemporary artists and makers living and working here (as well as its historical significance).

To discover Perthshire makers is not only to discover arts & crafts: you get immersed in references to Perthshire’s landscape, wildlife, traditional crafts, modern technology and communities, and experience first-hand our culture of generosity and hospitality.

Every Perthshire creative is a remarkable talent.
Collectively, you become a very good reason to visit this part of Scotland.

One of the founding missions of Blue Noun Language Hub is to support local artists and makers. Every single language holiday we provide gives financial opportunities and/or in-kind support to local makers (the artists choose which).

With our holidays you see the best of Perthshire, support local artists and eco-businesses AND improve your English.

craft workshop with June McEwan for meet the makers