Learn English in Scotland
In this blog, we are looking at the remarkable life and death of Black Watch soldier Private Farquhar Shaw.
He died a traitor but is celebrated as a hero.
Let me tell you about him.
I ask, is he our best, worst soldier?
This blog post is for anyone, but international visitors to Scotland* can use it to get a taste of what a English conversation holiday in Scotland feels like with us.
At Blue Noun Language Hub, we offer culture-led English learning for those who want to know what happening behind the scenes.
*There is a practice English exercise for you at the end of this blog too.
A Visit to Aberfeldy
I took the photo two weeks ago when the trees (copper beeches) were magnificent with autumn colour.
The statue is sited very intelligently: at this time of remembrance, the leaves on the tree make a striking symbol of all dear lives lost.
Scotland’s Best (or worst?) Soldier
Unlike most military monuments, the subject died not as a war hero but was executed in the Tower of London, after being court-martialled, tried by the government and sentenced to death for desertion.
As you learn his story, the statue becomes a powerful memorial to every Black Watch soldier’s life and sacrifice as Private Farquhar Shaw acted with courage and a sense of right, even if history proved him technically to be wrong.
What Happened?
The Decision to Flee
Imagine 139 soldiers in kilts and speaking Gaelic all heading North, trying not to be seen.
The Black Watch soldiers who remained in London set sail to fight in Flanders, not the rumoured West Indies.
Even though the ‘deserters’ made their decision based on false rumours, all were tried by court-martial and sentenced to death.
It is said that Private Farquhar Shaw was singled out as he was known to have been the best shot, and so he was made an example of.
Heroic or Ignominious Death?
Private Farquhar Shaw died both for being outstanding as a soldier and for failing as a soldier on duty.
A scapegoat, he took bullets for all the other 136 men who had also made their decision to leave.
Historians argue whether any Black Watch soldiers of his time had ever even signed up for overseas duty.
If not, there is no doubt that he was wronged.
The British Museum has a print depicting the three men’s execution. In it we can see three men kneeling blindfolded, encircled by 100 fellow prisoners and 300 Scotch guards. A firing squad of around 20 men all taking aim. You can view it in full here.
Remembering the Heroes
With gratitude to:
Many thanks to Highland and Perthshire website and the Britain Express websites for the information I’ve used here. Thank you also to the British Museum.
Your Blue Noun English Language Challenge is:
Tell us about a local hero, either in contemporary times or in history. What did he or she do? Why are they remarkable? Has the passage of time brought a new interpretation of their actions?
Write as much as you like, and if you would like us to check & correct your English, write CP (correct please) at the end.
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A curse on the German dynasty who raped Scotland