Why Become English Holiday Homestay Host
Being an English holiday Homestay Host is not for everyone, but for a certain type of person, it can be hugely rewarding.
This blog explores what kind of personality you need to enjoy opening your home to a stranger.
If you are hosting for a language school, you don’t need to teach English, just provide a comfy and quiet home for the learners to rest.
Read on for 7 Reasons to be a local host helping someone learn English on holiday.
By the way, this blog is illustrated with pictures from our own current/former homestay host here in Crieff, Perthshire
We are an independent language school in Scotland – our holidays are quite different from the ones in a big city, including being able to offer high-quality homestay accommodation!
7 Benefits of Being an English Holiday Homestay Host

#01 Travel Without Leaving Your Home
When you invite an international guest into your home, they bring their culture with them.
It’s an opportunity for you and your family to learn about new places, customs, and beliefs.
The top 5 reasons to travel on Google are to:
- Challenge yourself. …
- Learn new things. …
- Understand yourself. …
- Build quality relationships.
You’ll notice that these are also all experiences a homestay guest brings right into your home.

#02 | Make New Friends in Your Town
Our ‘hub’ is more than just a trendy name. It’s a community and we exist to bring people together to talk.
Blue Noun Language Hub hosts art classes, parties, celebrations one-off workshops and events.
Become a Blue Noun Homestay Host and you will be an honoured guest.

#03 | Help Someone with Their Mission
Our English learners are independent professionals on a mission to improve their English.
We are obvious about our business values, so we attract good ethical people as clients.
These are people who are on a mission that you want to support.

#04 | Refresh Your Vision
Do you find yourself driving on autopilot through our spectacular landscape? Are you still seeing your hometown with wonder?
Sharing your home with an international guest will give you a fresh perspective on your environment, new best habits – and most likely a new enthusiasm for your local town too.

#05 | Highland Hospitality
Highland Hospitality isn’t just something made up by the Scottish Tourist Board.
There’s something in our very nature that loves making strangers feel welcome.
What makes Perthshire The Friendliest Place on Earth?
It’s almost guaranteed that my English learners will have positive interactions in the local community.

#06 | It's Paid
Everyone helping us on our business journey gets paid – whether it’s a photographer friend taking pictures of our building – or an artist taking time to show our English learners their work.
We believe in alternative economies (it’s why I love Couchsurfing), so we might trade some guest teaching in exchange for the use of our building from time to time, but essentially, we believe that skills and talents always have value.
English holiday Homestay Hosts have got to be perfect holidays for our clients and a fair payment (and the reward of a reliable income) helps guarantee this.
Our clients pay £180 per week for their Homestay accommodation.
Although we arrange it and administer it – we charge no commission.
It’s all yours!

#07 | Make Friends for Life
I stay in touch with all our past English learners – and you can too.
Homestay hosting creates a special, familial bond. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear about you visiting our clients all around the world in future (or your kids being their penpal).
Remember to send us a postcard!
Further Information
Read our illustrated guide and see: How Homestay Hosts Help People Learn English
How to be a Homestay Host for Blue Noun Language School
I’m retiring in March and with previous positive experience of au-pairs and my fiends home stays who come along for our game nights I think this would be just great and look forward to hearing from you
Hi Susan, I’m glad you are interested. I’m emailing you for more details just now. Check your inbox/junk folder – Ruth