Get Better at English

You are here because you want to improve at English.

In other words, your English skills/ability are a pain point – a stress in your life.

The only problem with aiming to ‘get better at English‘ is it’s a moving goal.

I’ve met people with incredibly high levels of English, who are waiting until they ‘are good‘ to talk.

What are you not saying or doing in the meantime?

This belief is holding you back right now. 

At Blue Noun, our approach is to get you talking, and build a solid identity as an English speaker.

Everything else follows. Perhaps even further English lessons. Just fix the feeling first!


About Blue Noun Coaching

In both our holidays and online coaching, I create experiences for people to travel through, using their English.

They are all designed to push people gently out of their comfort zone, and out of old habits, limiting beliefs.

The end of the process is an identity as an English user.

In case you think that’s not enough – it’s everything.
Feeling like you belong in English is truly transformational. 


Who cares if you are talking, being heard and shaping the world in your unique way?

Other language schools care about your English level.

We care that your message is clear, strong and being heard. 

Poster for Blue Noun Language hub

Online and In Person English Coaching

All Blue Noun English courses work on feeling good in English, not just knowing more words.

We provide a safe, enjoyable space to practice the English you already know, to refine it – expand on it and strengthen it. (= Believe in it)

Other language schools will have you rushing forward, ever reaching for ‘progress’.

This is about being still, and being strong and thinking, ‘This is great. I can do this’.

Leave Classrooms in the Past

Classrooms don’t permit this, and most language courses don’t address it.

I help second-language users who doubt themselves when speaking English.

They doubt their accuracy, imaging they are making lots of mistakes or sounding weird.

  • It’s down to a lack of real language practice
  • It’s because of traditional language teaching which continually points out errors.

The key to succeeding in your second language is REAL language experience.

An English challenge to fit your holiday

– wherever you are going!

The Holiday English Challenge graphic
call for beta testers for the holiday English challenge. graphic

Beta Tester Offer £49 – September-October 2024