
Why Meet Makers on your Immersion English Holiday?

At Blue Noun Language Hub, we have a Network of Makers who would love to show you their work and studios.

Read this blog to discover why Meet Makers to speak English.

About Perthshire

One interesting aspect for our international language learners (and perhaps unnoticed by the majority of locals) is the unique ways Perthshire makers are in touch with their landscape and heritage.

Perthshire producers represent a fascinating mix of traditional craft and techniques and modern tools. There’s plenty of innovation in the vernacular architecture of repurposing farm & domestic buildings into production units and otherwise adapting to rural life, supplies and seasonal cycles.

What is normal for us is really quite extraordinary, for example, we have Comrie Apple Festival. 

Great Perthshire Brand | Summer harvest farm | Visit Perthshire

Alternative Scottish Tourism

Do you love tourism that gives an informed experience of a place?

Tourism that doesn’t tell you what to think, but which presents information and experiences – answers questions and shares a passion for the place.

For our second language English users,  that’s much more interesting than the usual touristic Scotland cliches that tell just one story of a place.

Of course, there are plenty of folks who are into this, but we are here for the English conversation holiday seekers who are not.

Non-Traditional Language School Introduction to Herbalism lesson

It’s a Genuine Cultural Exchange!

Blue Noun‘s Meet the Maker tours are a two-way conversation.

Our guests are professional internationals with their own research and expertise to share – often in design, marketing and entrepreneurship.

We bring people together for superb conversations.

Often what starts as a maker’s presentation becomes a passionate chat across all kinds of topics.

English Language Course for Creatives Meet the Makers Cairn o mohr winery tour

Each small Perthshire business has a fascinating story to tell about creating, innovating, adapting and selling – and this is the unique experience of ‘Scotland’ that we offer to our English language learners.


English Language Course for Creatives Meet the Makers Cairn o mohr winery tour

Although the makers and spaces are often unseen, their products support regional tourism and put Perthshire on the map internationally for arts, crafts & artisan products and top-quality food produce.

Travel Differently

Professionals travel worldwide to join us at our hub for a week of intensive English practice around cultural themes.

We believe that bringing like-minded people together makes great conversations, friendships and collaborations happen. Language experiences enrich your English – and reset your mindset around English language learning.


Meet Perthshire Makers to Speak English

The language skills we coach are needed for working in the cultural sector, including presenting artwork/creative practice, pitching design projects, collaborating, applying for international opportunities, making suggestions & recommendations, and expressing opinions.

All of these language skills are practised through our Meet the Makers tours (outside of a classroom and in particularly interesting ways).

‘Behind-the-scenes’ tours are an intimate opportunity to practice professional English language with professional peers, WHILE discovering the landscape and authentic Scottish cultures.

It’s the best of all words – speaking creative industry English language with professional makers, experiencing Scottish culture from within – and of course, tasting and sampling all the unique flavours of Perthshire as you go!

See for Yourself, When You speak English in Perthshire!

Blue Noun language school aims