At Odds with Mainstream Scottish Culture

Happy Halloween! Or is it?

This language school blog is a thought piece exploring what are we actually celebrating.

Read on for an overview of Halloween celebrations in Scotland: their origins and the ways they are changing.


In English class, we use the content of this text to revise the Past Tense, Present Tenses and Present Perfect.

It is published here for you to do this too!

An Independent Alternative to Corporate Language School

As usual, our language school shares English learning through Scottish culture, but we don’t just give you the pretty, tourist stuff

By sharing contemporary Scottish culture with a critical lens we give you lots of English conversation topics for your own English practice.

Remember: Blue Noun are an alternative to traditional English language schools, lessons and worksheets.

We get you inside Scottish culture – and get you talking!


See for Yourself, When You Learn English in Perthshire!

English Practice Text

A Serious Look at Halloween

I quite often find myself at odds with my own culture and get accused of taking things too seriously. (Like when there’s a comedy show with people falling over (I wince while most others laugh).


“Halloween is one of those occasions in which I feel myself outside of mainstream Scottish culture – and not admiring what I see.”

Ruth, 2019

English Language Class Photography Trip Culross Fife

The Erosion of Scottish Tradition by American Ones

Increasingly, our children talk about going ‘Trick or Treating”.

In Scotland, traditionally we go ‘guising’ instead of ‘trick or treating’ and there’s an important difference: To guise, you first learn a poem or a joke in order to have something to offer in exchange for your goodies: Trick or Treating demands a reward – or else.

However cute our wee devils are looking, this practice is essentially teaching blackmail.

While the Scottish tradition brings communities together, its modern counterpart can alienate lonely or vulnerable people.


About The Pumpkin Invasion

 Traditionally, in Scottish culture, we made neep (turnip) lanterns..
There’s no doubt that pumpkins are easier (and safer) to carve, but (unlike in America) as they are not part of our cultural lexicon, few UK people bother to use their lovely flesh for food.
Spare a thought for the humble turnip. Did you know that in mid-18th century Scotland it saved untold animal and human lives?
Prior to the turnip’s introduction as a crop, without winter food or grazing, people and cattle regularly starved to death.
And last year, an estimated 18,000 tonnes of edible pumpkin squash was tipped into our household bins.
Throwing them into the landscape is not any better. Raw pumpkins are poisonous to some indigenous wildlife, including hedgehogs.


“Most cattle had to be slaughtered at the beginning of Winter, and those that were kept only barely made it through until the new feed grew in late spring. So weak were they that that had to be carried out to pasture”.

English Language Class Photography Trip Culross Fife
Halloween installation at Drummond Castle Gardens

Talking of Bins… Single-Use Plastic, Anyone?


Halloween is commercially bigger than ever before, with shops selling plastic pumpkins, glow-in-the-dark masks, laughing gravestones, bendy skeletons etc.

Most of this gets made from single-use plastic. Few people have a Halloween box in the attic beside the Christmas box. Halloween decorations are manufactured to spend one week in a garden and 500 years decomposing in a landfill (the next 10 generations of your family) decomposing in a landfill.

The equivalent of 520 4-tonne elephants worth of plastic got sold for Halloween last year – in the UK alone.
English Language Class Photography Trip Culross Fife

Celebrating the Torture of Women?

Ah, witches! How funny!

An estimated 4,000 to 6,000 Scottish women were tried for witchcraft between 1563 (the passing of the Witchcraft Act) and 1597 (the date of The Great Scottish Witch Hunt), with at least 1,500 executed.

Witch Trials, Witch Hunts and executions continued for a further two centuries (until the British Parliament finally repealed the Act in 1736).


Although Witch Trials happened across much of Europe, Scotland suffered an extremely high number for such a small nation (with less than a quarter of England’s population at this time, Scotland had three times the number of trials).


Mostly – but not exclusively – older women were accused of witchcraft or of talking to the devil and were strangled and then burned. The charges against them include healing the sick (the accusers assuming if a person could heal, she could also harm).

Not coincidentally, accused women were often landowners, with the accusation of being a witch used a legal way to free up her land.



Learn English with Scottish Culture | It’s Time to Remember!

The history of Witch Trials in Scotland is the story of our women: the stigmatisation of female powers being perceived as evil-female and needing repressed – and is still to this day characterised by revulsion and distaste of women ageing.


During three whole centuries, women helped deliver healthy babies into a society which turned up en masse to witness her die a deliberately painful death as a ‘crone’.
Much modern medicine – including the practice of midwifery stems from ‘wise-woman’ skills. As well as the obvious mourning the victims of such barbaric times, we should consider what knowledge and traditions have been lost to our society.

Still widespread across large parts of Europe, the traditional cures of herbal medicine have all but died out within contemporary British culture.

Herbal medicine is niche not mainstream, but at what detriment to our nation’s health?

A Call for Not Trivialising The Witch Trials

While personally, I would like to see Halloween become a national day of remembrance to the victims of the Witch Trials, a more realistic approach could be taking some time to learn a little more about the history of Scotland – which is full of enough ghosts and battles and mysterious happenings to satisfy the most toffee-apple addled child.
(I suggest you start with Janet Forsyth – the Westray Storm Witch: tried as a witch for saving a ship – but mysteriously disappeared the night before her death).

While a national day of remembrance for the Witch Trials is a long way off, there are growing calls for a national monument in Scotland.


Public Memorial Fife

Some local authorities are making headway, including a proposal in Fife to rebuild a lighthouse as a national memorial to victims of the Scottish witch trials – and commemorative plaques placed along the Fife Coastal Walk.

Read more about it here.

If you were at our language school, we could discuss what an appropriate memorial may look like – there’s really all kinds of discussions to be had when you learn English with Scottish Culture. 


As a nation, it’s high time we shine a light onto one of the darkest periods of our history.
In the meantime, could we please just put an end to effigies of witches hanging from effing trees?




“Mostly – but not exclusively – older women were accused of witchcraft or of talking to the devil and were strangled and then burned. The charges against them include healing the sick (the accusers assuming if a person could heal she could also harm).

Not coincidentally, accused women were often landowners, with the accusation of being a witch used a legal way to free up her land.”


An Alternative Halloween

Let’s take a quick look at alternative ways to enjoy Halloween.

You could turn towards your community or history.

A Polish student told me today that her Halloween tradition used to be visiting the graves of ancestors (which must be just one more hard aspect of leaving her homeland).

Reach out to help people feel welcome in their new communities.

Participate in public Halloween events, share resources, and keep the plastic to a minimum.

FOr example, as well as a party in Crieff town square, this year, local Drummond Gardens (a courtly, 17th-century Scottish Renaissance garden) put on a fabulous fundraising spooky show with creepy games and sights*

Local care homes also often invite children to guise to adults in their care: a pleasure for everyone involved.

Buy second-hand clothes to turn into costumes, or, if you don’t have the imagination (or time), simply buy your costumes second-hand.

And above all, eat that pumpkin!

Learn English with Scottish Culture

As you can see, there’s lots to talk about when you learn English with Scottish culture.

If you are using this text as part of an English conversation class, here are three practice questions. 


  • What are some differences between traditional Scottish Halloween customs and your own?
  • How is witchcraft seen in your country?
  • What do members of your family like about Halloween? 

Thank You Drummond Castle Gardens!

*All the images on this page were taken at our local Drummond Castle Gardens Halloween celebrations: they put on quite an event!

All photo credits: Blue Noun

Further Information