Learn English with Baking at Campbell’s Bakery Workshop, Crieff.

Join our English Language School for a Breadmaking Workshop with Iain Campbell

Meet the Makers | Learn English with Baking



At Blue Noun English Language School we offer diverse activities for all our English language learners and our local community – bringing people together in new, social ways.
It’s not every small town in Scotland lucky enough to have such an excellent bakery as Crieff does.
Campbell’s Bakery – trading since 1830 – are opening their kitchens to the community for bread-making workshops with Iain Campbell, winner of British Confectioner’s Association Cup (2012) and an entertaining and excellent teacher.

Campbell’s Bakery has invited Blue Noun English language learners to take their bread-making workshop: putting English into practice in a very fun and tasty way!

You really can learn English with baking!


Come learn English with us, and you too can be soon admiring a beautiful crusty loaf, thinking… I just made that- and leave us with baking skills (and English skills) to last you a lifetime! 



The Pie of All Pies | ‘Our’ Iain is Ewan McGregor’s Favourite baker!

  We think Campbell’s Bakery in Crief is pretty amazing, but don’t just take our word for it. In 2013, Star Wars actor (and Crieff native) Ewan McGregor told his 117,000 Instagram fans that Campbell’s Bakers in his hometown of Crieff, Perthshire, make the “Pie of all Pies”. He posted a photo of a Scotch pie adding the caption: “Ahh…. the Pie of all Pies. The King!” He’s also tweeted about his hometown bakery too. (In fact, Ewan McGregor shows up and speak up for his hometown very regularly – which as you can imagine is a real boost to the small businesses of the town).    
Meet the Makers | Learn English with Baking sandwich icon
Meet the Makers | Learn English with Baking Campbells bakery Crieff
Pastry demo, Iain talking about flour quality and taking the first batch of bread out of the oven.
Meet the Makers | Learn English with Baking flour icon
Meet the Makers | Learn English with Baking Campbells bakery Crieff
3 different styles of loaves and a mountain of bread rolls.
Meet the Makers | Learn English with Baking Campbells bakery Crieff
Bagging up the finished products.

Established in 1830, Campbell’s Bakery is an independent family-run craft bakery, however we are by no means stuck in our ways!

In addition to traditional Scottish favourites such as scotch pies, oatcakes and shortbread, we also make a wide variety of breads and cakes inspired by different areas around the world.

Campbell’s Bakery Website, 2021

Meet the Makers | Learn English with Baking sandwich icon
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Find out more about Campbell’s Bakery here. 

Find out about our Meet the Makers introductions here.