Presenting Online English Teacher Abigail Fulbrook

2024‘s first Featured English Teacher is Abigail Fulbrook.

I was delighted to chat with Abbie as she is, like us, dedicated to breaking norms and putting FUN into English learning.

Abigail lives in Japan but helps a truly international community improve their English.

The only thing they have in common is that they are mums!

Read this blog for a window into Abbie’s Online English services. 

Online English Help

If you have found this blog because you are looking for an online English teacher – great!

But this feature is not to persuade you to work with one teacher in particular. It is part of a series showcasing the variety of online English learning options you have.

However, if you do feel Abbie is a good match for you, all her contact details are at the end of this blog – she’d love to hear from you!

Abbie’s Mums Network

At the start of the interview, I ask Abbie if she helps everyone.

She doesn’t. Her focus (or niche) is helping mums.

Mum’s with young kids have difficulty attending regular classes.

They may not want to commit to a course.

Abbie offers a club – it’s got a monthly membership, and it’s ‘drop in’.

That means attend if you can – but if you can’t, don’t worry.

That’s just one of the ways Abbie does ELT a bit differently and creates a fun space for English. 

Abigail Fulbrook quote on ELT

A Voice in ELT (English Language Teaching) 

I first discovered Abbie through the projects she organises uniting ELT teachers and learners together.

In our chat, Abbie points out that teachers spend a lot of time speaking to one another.

“We go to conferences and we chat to other teachers and share a lot with other teachers, but we don’t speak in the same way to learners”.

She had the idea for a summit: a platform for English teachers to show their work to learners. 

Her first summit was in 2022.

She’s planning a 2024 one too, so if you want to be part of an event linking around 800 English learners and teachers, get into her network.

Online English Teacher Feature Abigail Fulbrook
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I don’t call them lessons. I call them meetings, because the people in the club are higher level and they don’t need any more lessons. 

They just need their chance to talk and have conversations.

Abbie, 2024



“There’s so much out there that’s all focused on like doing exams or business.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

Your goals are valid, whatever they are.”

Abbie, 2024




“Look for people that make you feel positive about using your language, whatever level you are.”

Abbie, 2024



Abigail Fulbrook recommended online English teacher

Taking the Mystery Out of Online English Teaching!

Our English Teacher Features are a window into a sometimes murky industry.

This helps you understand the variety of online English teaching options, recognise excellent teachers, and identify the style you need.

Like Abbie, Blue Noun Language Hub are dedicated to supporting excellent independent teachers to grow networks and help each other. 

It’s hard to get heard online but you can do it though community. 

Abigail Fulbrook quote on ELT

Still confused?

Our language hub gives independent advice to help you make the right choice for online English learning.

Further Information

Work With Abigail

Check out her website

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Discover our other featured English teachers: Sam Davies, Kevin Westbrook and Jennie Reed.