
What is an Immersion Course for English?

An immersion language course is a period spent in a country surrounded by your target language.

You will see in this blog that different language schools structure this experience differently.

Some include a great deal of classroom time.

Others insist that language immersion only happens outside of classrooms.

This blog gives a global look at language immersion courses and useful links to finding the best one (for you). 

Language Immersion Basics

In most cases, participants of the immersion courses spend at least part of their time working with skilled ESL teachers or coaches, to correct errors, build fluency and learn new expressions.

That can happen inside a classroom or out, but in most cases, quite traditional language tuition takes place in the mornings, and other time is spent ‘immersed’ in fun activities, which (when well considered) feel like being on holiday (resting, exploring, enjoying outdoor activities), but allow you to practice English within a wide range of contexts.

You can find out more about the methodology here:

Help to Find YOUR Language Holiday

Language Schools & Service Providers

There is a huge choice of immersion courses for English.

The 3 biggest choices you need to make are:

  • Which country?
  • Classroom or non-traditional/immersion?
  • 1:1, mini-group, group?

These blogs will help you.

Help to Find YOUR Language Holiday

How to Find What You Need

When you begin searching, 1 or 2 big platforms will dominate your results, but it’s worth exploring other options (a big marketing budget does not guarantee a great service).

You can book through a study abroad service,  through an organisation that administers homestay holidays, directly through language schools or independent homestay providers, through your own travel agent, or even structure your own itinerary around a part-time language course (help with this below). 

Study Abroad Services

Language courses dot net is a comprehensive list of all language holiday options.

As they have ‘34,371 language courses in 611 cities‘, they are most useful once you have a clear idea of what you want.

To be honest, most people don’t. They need help and guidance in their search.

NB: that’s rarely a travel agent’s zone of expertise.

This blog is to help you lear what YOU are looking for. 

Help to Reduce the Options


Consider these choices:


  • Rural or urban?
  • Homestay or hotel?
  • Standardised or bespoke?
  • Teacher or coach?

Doing it Yourself

These blogs will help if you are travelling to improve your English, without committing to an immersion course for English. 

Do read them, it is harder to get talking than you may think. 

An English challenge to fit your holiday

– wherever you are going!

The Holiday English Challenge graphic

Finding the right immersion course for English can be overwhelming with so many options available.

The links and tips in this blog will help you simplify the process and choose the course that meets your needs.

If you still need help, take our free English Language Needs Analysis.

While it’s designed for online English learning, the free PDF will help you identify your English learning goals and styles. 


Good luck!


About Blue Noun Immersion Courses for English

Relax, explore. Get completely immersed in a new cultural landscape and you will find your words (don’t translate them, grow them), enjoy using new expressions and experiment with old ones in the safest, friendliest of places.

Like a traditional language school, we coach your English, expertly.

Unlike a traditional language school, we invite friends and partners into the conversation. They too share stories and information – and keep conversations fresh and interesting.

Some Things are Worth Talking About 

Whatever your passions and profession, our English language holidays share Perthshire, Scotland in ways designed to help you love using your English.