Free English Learning Resources
Helping Yourself to English Learning

Can You Learn English by Yourself?
The most effective way to learn a language combines varied, autonomous practice with classes led by an experienced English teacher who can correct errors and provide structured guidance.
However, depending on where you are in the world – and your budget, of course, that’s not always possible.
Whether you are in between English courses, short of funds – or looking for quality resources to practice with, you are in the right place here!
To help you keep learning, we publish FREE resources for English learners to help English learners around the world.

Free English Learning Resources
Below is a list of our free English learning resources to assist you on your language journey, but first our best tips:
Tips for Learning English by Yourself
Fall in love with practising the language, so it feels like something you want to do.
Find many small, enjoyable, easy ways to fit English into your lifestyle.
If English learning feels like a mountain, you’ll find ways to avoid it.
At moments of pleasure, from silly websites like Bored Panda to singing your favourite English songs out loud, keep doing lots of tiny actions.
Set up good systems
Always have your materials ready. Keep a pen within reach and bookmark essential online English learning resources (like this page) for easy access.
(For more on building effective habits, check out the book: Atomic Habits).
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Why More English Lessons Won’t Work
Overcome the fear of speaking English permanently.
You’ll speak English confidently with this one tip.

What's the 1 thing Every English Learner Should Know?

The Wonky English PDF
Download The Wonky English Resouce now (no sign-up).
It will change how you feel about your English!

Autonomous English Resources | Video
Related Posts
YouTube for Immersion English Lessons
Blue Noun offers excellent English learning resources on our YouTube Channel.
None are ‘lessons’ (there are plenty of those already!)
Instead, they are listening exercises.
And we even have a speaking practice exercise for the Present Continuous!

Help with 2nd Conditional
Lesson Plan | Practice Exercise on 2nd Conditional | Scottish Fishing
Teach yourself English (Intermediate) with this Complete Lesson Plan for the 2nd Conditional.
This lesson explores using a hypothetical policy change.
Good for environmental topics, including ecology and UK Cultural immersion.
Learn English through Cultural Immersion

Discover Scotland Learning English | Maker Economies
Taste Culture-led English immersion – the Blue Noun way.
In this English learning blog about Artists’ and Makers’ Economies, you can discover real makers’ stories, immersing you in Scottish culture while you enjoy using English.
Learn English through Cultural Immersion

English Lesson | Introductions
Tips for Professional and Informal Introductions in English.
This is the one part of English you need to get word perfect!
Remember to sign up for the FREE mini workshop!
Workplace English | Baristas

Lesson Plan | English for Baristas (Download)
We’ve put together a FREE English Language Resource for Barista Workers. It’s full of coffee-making tips, plus a selection of phrasal verbs you might hear in this context. Useful for any L2 English users working in hospitality!

Language Learning Motivation

Tips for English Learners | Are You Salmon or Sailboat?
This blog will change how you think about language learning, forever!
Find out if Your English Journey is more Salmon or Sailboat!
Speaking English as a Couple

My Partner Has Better English Than I Do
Do you have this common problem?
“My partner has better English than I do. This makes me feel embarrassed speaking in front of him/her.”
Get our Best Tips for Helping You Speak English in front of Your Partner.
Help, I'm Bad at English

What if I'm just Bad at English?
You’re not ‘bad at English’—at worst, your English isn’t great yet (and it’s probably not as bad as you think!)
How do I know?
Read this blog saying how the common belief of Being Bad at English is not Your Fault.
Managing Frustration in Language Learning

7 Tips to Keep Frustration out of Language Learning
Using a second language as your primary means of communication can bring numerous frustrations.
You can Keep the Frustration out of English Learning by identifying those situations in advance and rehearsing them.
How to Say a lot with a Little English

How to Say a Lot with a Little
This is a Story about the Power of Just a Few Words.
Don’t wait to achieve perfection!
Get out there and share your voice.
What if I I Don't Enjoy English

What if I Don't Like English?
Lots of people don’t want to learn English, they have to.
Resistance can hinder your progress.
Acknowledging it will help move you forward.
This blog also gives Tips to Start Liking English Learning – perhaps even enjoy it!
Goal Setting in English Language Education

English Learning Tips | How to get Better at English
Often, aiming to ‘Get Better at English’ is a misguided goal.
The fix you need is to feel good speaking English, everything else follows.
Dealing wth Making Mistakes in English

English Learning Tips | Inhibitions
How easy do you find it to make a mistake in English?
This Blog Shares Why You Should be Making Mistakes in English.
Specifically, it will help you find your ‘doesn’t matter zone‘ and explain why that’s crucial for language learning.
How to find English Language Books

7 Money-Saving Tips for Finding English Books
Depending on your location, second-language books can be hard to find or quite expensive.
Get our language school Tips for Finding 2nd Language Books in Your Country.
The Right Way to Use TV for Language Progress

YouTube & Video to Learn English
Watching films and TV in English is a good language boost, and relatively simple to implement as they are so accessible.
However, before you settle down with subtitles on, it’s important to understand that not all content is equally useful.
English Writing Tips: Translation Software

How to Best Use Google Translate
Absolutely use Google Translate to assist with your written English—but there’s an additional step beyond copying and pasting that you might not realize…
Language Learning using BBC Radio

5 Ways to use BBC Radio to Learn English
Tips for Using BBC Radio to Learn English.
All you need to get started listening to some great radio.
Alternative Language Learning Tips

Can Essential Oils Help You Learn English?
I reached out to the Oily Witch, Claire Ottewell, to ask her for Recommendations on Essential Oils for Language Learning.
How to Talk English on Holiday

How to Speak English on Holiday
If you’re travelling to practice your English, this blog will help you gain the conversational practice you seek.

About the Quest for Language Learning

Choose Your Own English Adventure
Wrong turns can ultimately cost your English (if you give up).
And they cost you that goal you were aiming for.
The job, career moment, conversation, presentation.
Understanding Holistic Language Learning

What is Holistic Language Learning?
Holistic Language learning is not ‘curing’ problematic parts of a person’s language skills, but working out a whole system for language learning – based on their learning type, interests and schedule.

Find Your Next English Teacher
Looking for an Online English Teacher?
Wrong turns can ultimately cost your English (if you give up).
And they cost you that goal you were aiming for.
The job, career moment, conversation, presentation.
Blue Noun Language Hub now has a Needs Analysis Service to save you time and frustration and get you quickly matched with the online English teacher/course to get YOU results.
How to Find an Adult English Immersion Holiday in the UK

Tips for Finding the Best Adult English Language Holiday
How to Identify a Great Adult English Learning Holiday.
Use the checklist to identify what’s compatible with YOUR style of learning.
Tips to Find Your Intensive English program

Help Choosing an Intensive English program
Our Best Tips for Choosing an Intensive English Programme.
Resources to help you identify what you are looking for, so you can find YOUR ideal language course.

ESOL/ELS Resources for Teachers

Put our Creativity in Your Classroom
We have a WHOLE PAGE (like this one) of ESOL English teacher resources.