
Free Resources for English Learners

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Free English resources

How Can You Learn English by Yourself?

The best way to learn a language is with lots of varied, autonomous practice ALONGSIDE a series of classes with an experienced English teacher (who can correct any errors and guide and structure your learning).

However, depending on where you are in the world – and your budget,  of course, that’s not always possible.

Whether you are in between English courses,  short of funds – or looking for quality resources to listen to in your studio – you are in the right place!

To help you keep learning, we have published a set of free English learning resources to help D.I.Y English learners ALL AROUND THE WORLD.

Non-Traditional Language School Introduction to Herbalism notebook icon

D.I.Y. English – our Free English Resources

Find here our collection of free English learning resources to help you on your English learning journey.

If one day you are looking for an online English teacher, take our free Needs Analysis to match you to the right kind of course!

And good luck!

Love your English!

icon pen



Blue Noun have some GREAT English learning resources on YouTube.

None are ‘lessons’ (there are plenty of those already!)

Instead, they are listening exercises.

And we even have a speaking practice exercise for the Present Continuous!

Help With Mindset

Mindset | Salmon or Sailboat

salmon or sailboat cover image for blog why take an immersion English vacation.

Tips for English Learners | Are You Salmon or Sailboat?

Even if you can’t travel right now, this blog is full of English learning tips.

Discover if you are more salmon than sailboat!

Mindset | My Partner Has Better English

plants in the sun and shade for my partner has better English than me

My Partner Has Better English Than I Do

Do you have this common problem?

“My partner has better English than I do.

This makes me feel bad speaking in front of him/her.”

Mindset | I’m Bad at English

switch on your English graphic - bad at English blog - switch it on

My Partner Has Better English Than I Do

You are not ‘bad at English‘ – at the worst, your English isn’t great – yet (and it’s probably not half as bad as you think it is!)

How do I know?

Mindset | Keeping Frustration Out of Learning

Keep Frustration out of English Learning graphic

7 Tips to Keep Frustration out of Language Learning

Using a second language as your principal means of communication brings a whole wealth of frustrations.

You can keep the frustration out of English learning by identifying those situations in advance and rehearsing them.

Mindset | The Power of Few Words

life drawing of musicians for the power of words

How to Say a lot with a Little

Language can have the same spirit.

Don’t wait to be perfect!

Get out there and share your voice.

Mindset | What if I Don’t Like English?

Mostly Harmless - Douglas Adams quote for learning English. Blog Don't like learning English

What if I Don't Like English?

I’ve worked with a lot of people who don’t really want to learn English.

This blog is to say that it is okay to feel this way.

However, these sentiments will get in the way of progress – so this blog is also about how you can dislike English learning less and less – perhaps even enjoy it!

Mindset | Dealing With Inhibitions

don't worry zone - language learning tips chalkboard optimism

English Learning Tips | Inhibitions

How easy do you find it to make a mistake in English?

This blog is to tell you why you should be making them!

Specifically, it will help you to find your ‘doesn’t matter Zone‘: and show you why that is so important to language learning.

English Learning Tips

Tips | What’s the Best Way to Learn a Language?

No classroom - woman holding snake - best way to learn a language is language immersion

What's the Best Way to Learn a Language?

It’s time to stop talking about language learning as if there are one-size-fits-all solutions.

Different adults need different solutions.

My advice to this question-asker is to work out the kind of adult learner you are and THEN match your needs to a certain type of language teacher, coach or service provider.

Tips | Reading

How to Find English Language Books

7 Money-Saving Tips for Finding English Books

Depending on where you are in the world, second language books can be tricky to find – or just really, really expensive.

Tips | YouTube & Video to Learn English

graphic for how to use films to learn English

YouTube & Video to Learn English

Watching films and TV in English is a good language boost, and relatively simple to implement as they are so accessible.

However, before you settle down on the sofa with the subtitles on, you need to know there is a scale of usefulness.

English Tips | Google Translate

ESL Tips | English Hacks | Google Translate blog image

How to Best Use Google Translate

Absolutely DO use Google translate to help you get your written English right – but there’s one more step to the copying and pasting than you might realise…

English Tips | Listening

Radio for learning English BBC sounds Screenshot English language school Scotland More or Less

5 Ways to use BBC Radio to Learn English

Tips for using BBC radio to learn English. 

Tips | Essential Oils for Language Learning

English tips Essential oils for learning a foreign language the Oily Witch Claire Ottewell

Can Essential Oils Help You Learn English?

I reached out to the Oily Witch, Claire Ottewell, to ask her for recommendations on essential oils for language learning.

This blog is her best advice, which I’m passing straight on to you.

What is Holistic Language Learning?

What is holistic Language Learning graphic - face in hands / cloud

What is Holistic Language Learning?

Holistic Language learning is not ‘curing’ problematic parts of a person’s language skills,  but working out a whole system for language learning – based on their learning type, interests and schedule.

Getting Help

Tips | Finding Help

Choose your own English adventure story - book with dragon fight

Choose Your Own English Adventure

Wrong turns can ultimately cost your English (if you give up).

And they cost you that goal you were aiming for.

The job, career moment, conversation, presentation.

Let Us Help You Learn

Blue Noun Language Hub now has a Needs Analysis Service to save you time and frustration and get you quickly matched with the online English teacher/course to get YOU results.

Looking for an Online English Teacher?

Wrong turns can ultimately cost your English (if you give up).

And they cost you that goal you were aiming for.

The job, career moment, conversation, presentation.

English for Baristas

English language school coffee machine lesson making coffee

Lesson Plan | English for Baristas (Download)

We’ve put together a FREE English Language Resource for Barista Workers. It’s full of coffee-making tips, plus a selection of phrasal verbs you might hear in this context. 

Resources for English Teachers

text Creative Solutions in ELT - Blue Noun English Language School graphic

Get our creativity for your classroom

We have a WHOLE PAGE (like this one, of resources for English teachers.